
nutz that everyone loves.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009
wat's up doc? 4:36 PM

Did you know that rabbits are native creatures to australia?

apparently, a litter of rabbits was first introduced into this land during 1880 in victoria.
they were bred as food, a delicacy that have always been a favourite to the Brits.
however, over the years these notorious rabbits have undergo population explosion which lead to the current overpopulation across the land.

in fact, they have become such a problem that farmers have consider it as a serious pest.
in other means these rabbits, may be responsible for the destruction of the many wildlife habitats and the extinction of many native plants and animals here.
rabbits often kill young trees in orchards, exposing the soil to wind, heat and rain.
erosion take places changing the quality of the soil which is not suitable for the growth of any plants.
native creature loses their source of food and dies out too.

during part of my journey to ayers rock, i've met this tour guide whose job for the past 15 years was to hunt down and kill all the rabbits and dingoes in the allocated region of his station.
for every 7th ear of the dingo/rabbit collected, he'll earn himself a bottle of beer.
oh by the way, people here drink lots.

personally, i find it really funny.
i would not normally think that these innocent little furballs could possibly cause any damage to the environment.

*picture by MimmoC 2009.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
8:48 PM

Found this cute little postcard when I was on my
trip in a aboriginal art gallery in Alice Springs!

Guess how many animals are there?! :D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
1:52 PM

Q : Guess where and guess what?!
*Just came back from AS and planning to do some
major sleeping now. Will blog more about it later.