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Monday, September 14, 2009
la fin. 1:41 AM

reason why i started blogging.
i started off blogging at the age of 14
a time when i was once young and foolish
thinking that a blog would be the perfect 'wonderland' needed
to express my anger and frustration against my parents.
where no apologies needed to be made
nor judgement made by anyone on what i writes.

it was my darkest phase of my life.

then when blogging began to gain popularity over the years
a whole new definition of a blog was reached.
i was blogging more 'happy' post than ever
trying to be cute and what not..
with the intention to bring in more readers
gain some extra attention from friends
giving others false impression of whom i was.

it was the time that i crave for love.

these days my posts render mostly about life and experiences
it started out enjoyable and fun
but over a period of time
i realise that i was reserving parts of my feelings
my thoughts and perception.
blogging seems pointless at times
and it has become a burden to bear.

i felt handicapped.

i don't really know for sure if i'm going continue to blog anymore.
or whether if i can blog as freely as i first started off.

thus i'm putting an end to this blog.
or should i say starting out fresh somewhere else.